Our Program

The Program and It’s Benefits:

Boxability International offers an exciting, alternative to traditional rehabilitation exercises. The Boxability International program is based on professional boxing rules: 3-minute rounds for 12 rounds with a 1minute break.  

There are four different training levels: 

Level I: Golden Gloves

Level II: Olympic

Level III: Professional

Level IV: World Champion

Athletes learn offensive and defensive techniques as well as coaching skills including motivation/inspiration, and partner drills.  The success we have seen is supported by several studies that have shown that boxing provides many benefits for wheelchair bound individuals, Parkinson’s patients and those cognitively impaired. 

  • Boxing elicits a very exciting, human response of two people ‘battling it out’.  
  • As boxing skills develop, both the both the ‘fighter’ and the ‘coach’ are inspired to work harder
  • Confidence is built on actual boxing skills (e.g., blocking a punch) that most people haven’t learned.
  • Boxing increases social interaction between the fighter, coach and other patients, family members, and friends
  • As the coach calls out punches and sequences of moves, the athletes work on both physical and cognitive engagement. 
  • Boxability athletes develop abilities, and techniques while improving endurance and mental focus.

Our athletes literally perform fighting moves to get stronger! Fighting for themselves to improve! During the training sessions, the confidence and belief that anything is possible is palpable.

Boxability International: Our Past Events

We’ve had the privilege of sharing the Boxability rhythm at various locations, touching countless lives along the way:

  • Shriners’ Children’s Hospital – Chicago:
    • Staff Inservice with 25 staff/therapists/physicians.
    • Inpatient / Outpatient Clinic across two events, engaging 20-30 patient athletes and their families. The impact was so profound that after our first event, the requests for an encore poured in, with several participants joining us from international shores.
  • Shriners’ Children’s Hospital – Dayton:
    • Staff In-service for 8 dedicated therapists.
  • Shriners’ Children’s Hospital – Philadelphia:
    • Inpatient/Outpatient Clinic that saw the participation of 20-30 patient athletes and their loved ones.
  • Opportunity Knocks – River Forest, IL:
    • A community-centric program where we engaged with 25-30 vibrant teens and young adults, many with Down’s Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.
  • McClean Rehabilitation Center, Miami, Florida:
    • Conducted three clinics, uplifting 5-10 adults who’ve faced spinal cord injuries.

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